

Pets at Carlyon Beach
The Carlyon Beach covenants state that agricultural animals are not allowed in the neighborhood, including chickens.

There are almost as many dogs in our neighborhood as people.  The CBHA Rules and Regulations require that dogs be on a leash or on the owner’s property at all times. A fine of $100 will be assessed upon the 1st instance of a dog causing injury, harm or endangerment. 

Dogs are allowed to run loose on the beach between the boat ramp and the bridge only.  No dogs are allowed in the parks or on the main beach area.  A key to the pedestrian gate is available at the office for a small fee. You are expected to pick up after your dog. There are poop bag stations and garbage cans around the neighborhood. It is extremely important that dog poop is not left in the bioswales. It is very nasty for our maintenance staff to weed whack through dog poop. In addition, dog poop is hazardous to our marine environment.  

Please be respectful of your neighbors’ right to enjoy their homes and yards without the sound of incessant barking dogs.  

Information on barking dog complaints.

Only CBHA members may have horses within CBHA boundaries. Members must clean up after their horses.


See the Rules & Regulations for information on how to report an animal complaint.