
Owner/Tenant Responsibilites

Vacation Rentals

The Carlyon Beach Rules and Regulations do not allow for vacation rentals. Homes may only be leased to an individual or family on at least a month-to-month basis. Owners will be fined if it is determined that the house has been rented on short-term basis.

Owners Responsible for Renters

Owners who decide to rent their homes are required to report the occupant to CBHA. Owners are also reminded that they are responsible for the actions – or inactions – of their renters. As an example, all charges such as assessments and pumps are the responsibility of the owner. If a renter makes a payment on pumps we gladly accept the payment, however if there are any shortfalls the owner is always responsible.

New owners/tenants  need to stop in the office within first 10 days to be scheduled for pumps, etc.  Full responsibilities in the Rules & Regulations, Pages 5-6.

Amenities Available to Tenants
Tenants are allowed to use all parks. The Dog Park is locked but is available to tenants with completed paperwork. Kayak racks, marina slips and keys to the boat launch may not be available without landlord approval and arrangement. Call the office for more information.